EXPORT WINE AUSTRALIA offers the best Australian export wines at the best possible prices.
Over 120 wines to choose from. 750ml, 200ml 375ml 187ml & Cask.
Wine range includes:
Red wines - Shiraz, Cabernet Sauvignon, Merlot, Sangiovese, Rose, Pinot Noir, Grenanche, Tempranillo, Dry Red and Sparkling.
White wine - Chardonnay, Sauvignon Blanc, Verdhelo, Riesling, Dry White and Sparkling.
FREE CUSTOM WINE LABELS from our Wine Label Library
As every wine market in the world is different, we provide a Label Library where you can pick pre-designed labels which will better suit your market profile. These labels for 750ml & 187ml can be further modified for any wine, in any range. This is a free service available only to EXPORT WINE AUSTRALIA customers.